Growing Rosemary Indoors from Cuttings
Discover the joy of growing rosemary indoors from cuttings with our comprehensive guide.

Due to the fact that it is able to give flavor and scent to each and every dish that it is involved with, rosemary is a herb that is employed frequently. This is because of the fragrant leaves that it produces and the adaptability that it boasts in the kitchen. Although the majority of people think of rosemary as being associated with sunny gardens, it is really possible to effectively cultivate it indoors and enjoy the visual and culinary advantages of rosemary throughout the whole year. This is because rosemary can be grown successfully indoors. In order to cultivate additional rosemary in your indoor herb garden without increasing the amount of money you spend on the venture, you may employ an easy method that includes taking cuttings from the plant. This will allow you to grow more rosemary. We are going to go over everything you need to know in order to effectively cultivate rosemary indoors from cuttings, and we will do so in the following paragraphs. This includes advice on how to select the best stems, as well as how to maintain them in excellent shape and ensure that they continue to retain their key characteristics.
Selecting Healthy Rosemary Cuttings
To start growing rosemary indoors, choose healthy cuttings from an existing rosemary plant. When you have a rosemary plant that is already well-established, the first thing you need to do in order to start growing rosemary indoors is to choose healthy cuttings from the plant. It is recommended that you select stems that are between four and six inches in length and have not been damaged in any way. It is recommended to select stems such as these. In order to acquire the best possible results, it is vital to select stems that are neither too young nor too woody. This will allow you to produce the best potential outcomes. All of the best possible results will be possible as a result of this.
Preparing the Cuttings
It is time to get the rosemary cuttings ready for propagation after you have chosen them. If you want to succeed, follow these steps:
Make clean cuts just below a leaf node when taking cuttings from the parent plant using sharp, clean scissors or pruning shears.
Half of each cutting should have its lower leaves removed, leaving a small number of upper leaves to continue photosynthetic processes and promote root growth.
Although it is not required, you can encourage quicker and stronger root development by dipping the cut ends of each cutting in rooting hormone powder.
Planting the Cuttings
You can now plant your rosemary cuttings in a good growing medium after you’ve prepared them. For optimal planting results, adhere to these guidelines:
Pick a potting mix that’s light and airy, with good drainage, like a combination of peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite.
Carefully place each cutting into a small pot or seed tray filled with potting mix. Bury at least one leaf node beneath the soil by pressing the cut end of the cutting into the soil.
After you’ve watered the cuttings and let any excess water drain, set the containers in a spot that gets bright, indirect sunshine.
Providing Proper Care
In order to promote healthy root development after planting rosemary cuttings, it is vital to give them the right care. What follows is essential information:
Make sure the potting mix is always damp, but not soggy, and water the cuttings when the top inch of soil feels dry.
For best results, set up grow lights or put the pots near a south-facing window that gets bright, indirect sunlight.
Because rosemary thrives in mild climates with temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit (18 and 21 degrees Celsius) and moderate humidity, it is important to keep the area surrounding the cuttings generally warm and damp.
Transplanting and Nurturing
Roots will emerge and the cuttings will outgrow their containers as the rosemary plants mature. Once this occurs, you may start growing them into strong, healthy plants by transferring them to bigger pots. The process is as follows:
Gently remove the rooted cuttings from their containers, being careful not to bruise the fragile roots.
Place the cuttings in a bigger container and fill it with potting soil that drains well. Make sure the soil level is the same as the root level.
Give the newly transplanted cuttings a good soaking and then put them back in their sunny spot; be sure to give them plenty of TLC as they develop.
Harvesting and Enjoying Your Indoor Rosemary
If you plant rosemary cuttings indoors and give them the attention they need, they will eventually grow into strong plants that you can use in your cooking. A few pointers on collecting and preparing your indoor rosemary crop:
If you want to pick rosemary leaves or sprigs regularly, wait until the plants are big enough.
Snip off little bits of rosemary as you need it, being careful not to take more than a third of the plant’s growth at a time, and you’re done harvesting.
Roasted meats, soups, stews, baked products, and many more recipes can benefit from the aromatic and flavorful addition of fresh rosemary leaves and sprigs.
If you want to make sure you have this delicious herb on hand all year round, you could want to dry any extra rosemary leaves.
Conclusion: Cultivating Fragrant Success Indoors
When you plant rosemary cuttings, you need to make sure they get the right care so that they grow strong roots all over and support the plant. This step has to be taken to make sure that the cuts will grow strong roots. You should pay attention to the following pieces of information:
Also, water the cuts whenever the top inch of dirt feels dry. Make sure the potting mix stays damp but not soaked. It’s very important to do this.
It works best if you either put grow lights in the pots or put them near a south-facing window that gets bright, indirect sunlight.
It is important to keep the area around the roots warm and damp because rosemary grows best where it is mild, between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius (65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit). It does better when it’s warm, so they did this. For this reason, rosemary grows best where it’s not too hot or too cold.