16 Stunning Calathea Varieties
Discover 16 Stunning Varieties and Uncover Care Tips for These Exotic Indoor Plants

Indoor plant fans have taken a fancy to calatheas, which are well-known for their beautiful foliage and ability to filter the air. These exotic flowers bring a sense of sophistication indoors with their dazzling diversity of leaf shapes and colors. Calathea lancifolia, a lesser-known type, and the more well-known Calathea orbifolia both have their own special allure. Learn about 35 fascinating Calathea types here, including how much water they need, how big they get, and what kind of light they thrive in.
Calathea orbifolia
The beautiful silver-green leaves of this cultivar are striped with dark green, making for a sophisticated contrast. The enormous, spherical leaves of the Calathea orbifolia plant give any indoor area an air of refined elegance.
- Leaf color: Variegated Silver-green with Dark Green Stripes on the Leaves
- Water: Make sure the soil is always damp, but not soaked, with water.
- Mature Size: 2 feet in height and breadth
- Light: Prefers indirect, strong light.
Calathea lancifolia (Rattlesnake Plant)
This variety gets its name from the fact that its dark green leaves have wavy, light green stripes that look like rattlesnake skin. Its unusual patterning and large leaves make it a show-stopping specimen.
- Leaf Color: The leaves are a deep shade of green with wavy streaks of lighter green.
- Water: Wet the soil when you feel the top inch is parched.
- Grown Up: Roughly two feet tall
- Light: Prefers indirect light that is mild to bright.
Calathea medallion
A medallion-like pattern of complex dark green lines adorns the verdant leaves of the Calathea medallion. It seems more three-dimensional thanks to the deep burgundy coloration on its undersides.
- Colour of the leaves: green with dark green markings and a burgundy underside
- Watering: do not allow soil to dry up entirely; rather, keep it regularly moist.
- Mature Size: Grown to a maximum height of 2 feet
- Ambient light: partial shadow or indirect sunshine
Calathea zebrina (Zebra Plant)
Calathea zebrina, as its name implies, is characterized by striking zebra-like stripes that run throughout its dark green foliage. Those in search of a strikingly beautiful plant will find this kind to be an excellent pick because to its unique design.
Color of the Leaf: Dark green with striking zebra-like stripes.
Water: Make sure the soil is consistently moist, but not soggy.
Mature Size: Grown to a maximum height of three feet
Light: Does best in indirect, bright light.
Calathea roseopicta (Rose-Painted Calathea)
The Calathea roseopicta seems like something out of a painted rose garden, with its dark green leaves decorated with tiny pink stripes and coloring. Its delicate yet mesmerizing hues bring a gentle, ethereal air to any indoor space.
Color of the Leaves: Dark green with pink patterns and stripes
Water: Keep the soil moist by watering it regularly.
Mature Size: When fully grown, they reach a height of around one to two feet.
Light conditions: indirect sunshine or filtered light.
Calathea makoyana (Peacock Plant)
The bright peacock feathers inspired the name of this variety, which is characterized by pale green leaves decorated with dark green markings that look like peacock plumes. Indoor areas are graced with a whimsical air by its complex patterning.
Leaf Color: To the naked eye, the leaves look like peacock feathers—pale green with dark green patterns.
Water: To prevent waterlogging, evenly moisten the soil.
Mature Size: Grown to a maximum height of 2 feet
Light: Does best in indirect, bright light.
Calathea warscewiczii (Jungle Velvet)
The Calathea warscewiczii gives off an air of opulent jungle life with its velvety dark green foliage speckled with silver. The dense, verdant foliage of this cultivar makes any space seem more luxurious.
- Color of the Leaves: A silky dark green with silver streaks
- Water: Soil should be kept regularly moist, but not soggy, using water.
- Mature Size: Potentially Reachs a Maximum Height of Three Feet
- Light: Prefers dim to moderate illumination.
Calathea rufibarba (Velvet Calathea)
As its name suggests, the Calathea rufibarba has soft, textured leaves that are dark green on top and deep crimson underneath. Indoor areas are given a sense of coziness and depth by its distinctive foliage.
- Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist, but not soggy, and the leaves should be a dark
- Color: green with a velvety texture and a crimson underside.
- Mature Size: Grown to a maximum height of 2 feet.
- Lighting: Prefers moderate to low illumination.
Calathea lancifolia ‘Bamburanta’
The dark green leaves of this species are heavily marked with lighter green spots, making them a colorful accent to any space. Its unusual patterning and lengthy leaves set it out for gardeners.
- Leaves Color: The color of the leaves is dark green with clear patterns of lighter green.
- Water: Make sure the soil is consistently moist, but not soggy.
- Mature Size: Grows to be around 2 feet tall when fully grown.
- Light: Prefers indirect light that is medium to bright.
Calathea crocata (Eternal Flame)
The dark green leaves of the Calathea crocata have vivid orange-yellow undersides, like flames dancing in the wind. Its colorful presentation is captivated by its vivid leaves and, every now and then, its orange blossoms.
- Watering: Mist leaves frequently, keep soil constantly moist; leaf color: dark green
- Leaves Color: with orange-yellow undersides; bloom color: orange.
- Mature Size: Grown to a maximum height of 2 feet
- Light: Does best in indirect, bright light.
Calathea veitchiana (Veitch’s Calathea)
Calathea veitchiana provides an enthralling kaleidoscope of coloration with its dark green leaves accented with lighter green patterns and reddish-purple undersides. Its complex patterning and verdant leaves give any room a tropical feel.
- Leaves: dark green tops and bottoms with lighter green patterns and a reddish-purple hue
- Water: To prevent waterlogging, evenly moisten the soil.
- At maturity: it can reach a height of three feet.
- Light: It thrives in indirect, bright light.
Calathea musaica (Network Calathea)
This variety’s dark green leaves have elaborate elaboration, and the name comes from the mosaic-like patterns that resemble a network. Its unusual leaves may transform any indoor space into a work of beauty.
- Leaves Color: The color of the leaves is dark green, and they have patterns that look like a network of mosaic tiles.
- Water: Keep the soil evenly moist; you don’t want it to get waterlogged.
- Mature Size: When fully grown, they reach a height of around one to two feet.
- Light conditions: indirect sunshine or filtered light.
Calathea roseopicta ‘Rosy’
The Calathea roseopicta ‘Rosy’ has a delicate, feminine appearance with its dark green leaves that are variegated with delicate pink. Its delicate yet captivating hues bring a sense of serenity into any space.
- Color: The color of the foliage is dark green with pink variegation
- Watering: Mist leaves often and keep soil continuously moist.
- Mature Size: Grown to a maximum height of 2 feet
- Light: Prefers indirect light that is mild to bright.
Calathea ‘White Fusion’
The fanciful Calathea ‘White Fusion’ brings a splash of green, white, and pink to any environment with its variegated leaves. A mesmerizing centerpiece, it boasts eye-catching foliage and vivid colors.
- Color of the Leaf: The leaves display variegated patterns of green, white, and pink.
- Water: Make sure the soil is consistently moist, but not soggy
- At maturity: it should be little more than one or two feet tall.
- Light: It thrives in indirect, bright light.
Calathea picturata ‘Vandenheckei’:
The visually striking look of this cultivar is enhanced by its dark green leaves that are decorated with light green patterns. Its detailed patterns liven up interior spaces by providing visual interest and a sense of depth.
- Leaves Color: Dark green leaves with lighter green patterns make up the leaf color.
- Water: Soil should never be allowed to dry out entirely; watering it evenly is essential.
- Optimal Adult Height: Up to 2 feet
- Light: Natural or artificial light, either filtered or reflected
Calathea ‘Network Pink’
The Calathea ‘Network Pink’ has a delicate yet beautiful color scheme with its dark green leaves that have pinkish variegation. It would be a lovely addition to any collection thanks to its delicate colors and exquisite greenery.
- Color of the Leaf: Variegated dark green with reddish undertones
- Watering: Mist leaves often and keep soil continuously moist.
- Mature Size: Grown to a maximum height of 2 feet
- Light: Prefers indirect light that is mild to bright.